Latest Kindle from Amazon; Sleeping gigantic or a new takeoff on the Apple Windscreen?

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 6:24 AM

Online selling giant Amazon has the tech world energetic over a biggest declaration later in the week.  The planned declaration has resulted to rumors that Amazon may formally declare a latest Kindle tablet to up the bet in Apple’s IPad supremacy.

The fresh Kindle would create on Amazon’s book-reader attractiveness and observe to add up the costly Amazon music library offerings.

Media reports are clueing that the latest Kindle will work on the Google Android OS making a rational link to the Amazon Android app store.

The new offering is also reported to also take a daring approach to pricing at $250-$300 setting the stage to test whether lesser prices can quiver Apple’s supremacy in the space.  The sick-fated HP tablet offering was declined to a fire sale price of $99, which saw sales skyrocket for a “still-born” product from the under pressure PC manufacturer.

 If victorious, the Kindle offering could arrange a very harmful price battle and could injure Apple severely beyond tablet market share.

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