Afternoon Links: No One Man Should Have All That Flour

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 10:39 AM

No One Man Should Have All That Flour - Kanye West lyrics rewritten to be about food. Ten million percent genius. My crescent is a present kiss my ass. [Tumblr]

Sam Cassell Asks If He Can Get In On Carmelo Anthony Trade - Wouldn't doubt it. I once saw Sam play the Sixers when I was a kid and the two dudes in front of me chanted "ALIEN!" the entire game. THE ENTIRE GAME. I love my city. [The Onion]

So Gucci Mane Got an Ice Cream Cone Face Tattoo - The lightning bolts are what completes it. This dude is crazy. [Barstool Boston]

Rapper Finds Order in Orthodox Judaism in Israel - Yep, Shyne is a rabbi now. Of the three rapper links in this post, this is by far the craziest. [NYT]

State Foods - Here's a map of the US with what food best represents each state. You guessed it, PA = cheesesteak. [The Daily What]

What You Should Be Saying During Sex - Great infographic. I learned I should stop yelling "I'm going to pound the farts out of you." [HapHappy]

Everyone Who Got Swineflu Now Has Superpowers - Not even joking. [io9]
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