Afternoon Links: Well I Guess They Are Playing Like Poo(h)
Published by Julia Volkovah under afternoon links on 2:02 PMKnock-Off American Sports Apparel In Bangladesh Is Magnificent - I think we found where Tupac is hiding! The guy who took this picture also cites seeing Green Bay Dolphins caps and New York Sox t-shirts. Gotta love the third world. [Deadspin]
New Japanese Fashion: LED Lights for Your Teeth - And grills were stupid? At least diamonds and gold are worth something.[NYT]
Did Obama Dye His Hair? - Awww shit gettin the jet black back to look fresh for the Chinese President. Don't think we didn't notice, Barry. [Gawker]
George Clooney Caught Malaria in Sudan - Then shrugs the shit off like it's nothing. America! [TMZ]
Video of Dog Killing Rats in Washington Square Park - A somewhat cute dog murders the hell out of rats in the famous NYC park. Feel kinda bad for the rats, actually. [DoobyBrain]
A Portrait Of Hyper-Urbanization: Shanghai 1990 vs. Shanghai 2010 - I had no idea a city could look that dramatically different in 20 years. Get on it, Philly. [io9]
Ron Swanson's Pyramid of Greatness - Even if you don't watch Parks & Recreation and understand how fantastic Ron Swanson is, his sage advice still rings true. Crying: Acceptable only at funerals and the Grand Canyon. [Buzzfeed]
The Craziest Fishing Frenzy Imaginable - This is a lot like how my dad taught me how to fish. Only we had several thousand less people, no wicker baskets, more clothes, actual bait, and we didn't begin with a gunshot. [Neatorama]