Afternoon Links: Ben Franklin Was Kinky

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 11:21 AM

Kelsey Grammer is a Cross-Dresser - Think about it. "Frasier Crane" is an anagram for "Fiances Rarer." And Kelsey's wife is the one spilling the beans on his panty habit.  I should've been a detective. [TMZ]

Six Rules for Avoiding Small Talk - Headphones and weather ignorance are just the beginning. [College Humor]

Tom Hanks' Son is a Fratboy Rapper - Not hating.  Do your thing, baby Gump. [Gawker]

Yes, Your Car Can Run on Four Loko - Corn ethanol is for pussies. My whip is powered by teenager death juice. [Uproxx]

Thank You Based God Gifs - You probably don't know about Lil B because you're a lame, but Based God can fuck my bitch any time cause he's swagged out maximum THANK YOU BASED GOD. [Complex]

Chunk from The Goonies on a Commemorative Plate - And Mr. T. And Ben Franklin with a Yoda Hat. Lots of Ben shoutouts today. No problem with that. [Great White Snark via Etsy]

Turkeys Chasing a Laser Pointer - Dumb and delicious, that's why we eat 'em.  [Dooby Brain]
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