When the kissing prevents - Married and above 45?

Published by Julia Volkovah under , on 3:04 AM
A fifth of married couples go a complete week with no kissing - with older people amid the slightest romantic. 

Even when couples do kiss it is normally a rapid affair lasting no in excess of five seconds, according to a survey.

But younger darlings are more romantic with those aged between 18 and 24 saying they catch lips with a partner 11 times a week on average.

The results have been out to initiate a campaign by the British Heart Foundation to educate lifesaving abilities s such as the kiss of life to school children as part of the national prospectus.

Celebrities were also inquired to unveil their most brilliant kiss for a Youtube video made by the charity.

ITV weather girl Clare Nasir welled up with tears as she said: "My utmost kiss was on November 11 2009 when my daughter was born. She was six weeks early and we approximately lost her.

"It took us six years to have a baby and it was the finest day of my life."

Ex- EastEnders star Nadia Sawalha laughed nervously as she said: "The one (kiss) that I shared with my husband in a lift in Sweden - he knows the remaining part of the story."
British Olympics gymnast Louis Smith said his was at school kissing "that one girl that's older who you think is incredible."

He further said: "When I turned 18 I went out with my friends and this girl was there. We kissed for about three seconds and my friends hurdled on me, celebrating like I had only kissed Victoria Beckham."

Hollyoaks actress Carely Stenson said of her most unforgettable kiss: "It was when I get up early in the morning to locate my nephews and nieces jumping on my bed, giving me plenty of hugs."

In the meantime, the charity's kissing survey found only 5% of peoples aged over 45 is running in excess of 30 snogs in a week.

Locally, it found East Anglians kiss the most with an average nine snogs every week but Scots are kissing the fastest- their average smacker lasts 28 seconds.

Ellen Mason, Senior Cardiac Nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: "Our survey exposes some fun realities about the nation's kissing habits but there's one kiss you might give once in a lifetime that could be a lifeline.

"The best kiss you could ever give someone is the kiss of life, that's why we want every young person to leave school knowing how to assist in a tragic situation.

"This is a proposal which could put hundreds of thousands of new lifesavers on the streets every year."

A hot survey by the charity disclosed irresistible favor from teachers, kids and parents for young people to study emergency lifesaving skills at school.

More than 4 in 5 teachers 86% think it should be qualified at school, and 78% of kids and 70% of parents agree.

The charity is asking parents, teachers and children to sign a petition to make it a compulsory part of the national prospectus in England.

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