Japanese premier builds Nuclear vow at Hiroshima Memorial

Published by Julia Volkovah under , on 3:09 AM
Naoto Kan, Japanese Premier has repeated a vow to reduce dependence on nuclear power, as people mark the 66th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing.

A huge crowed at the city's peace memorial to observe one minute's silence in memory of the 140,000 killed by the American atomic attack in 1945.

Mr. Kan utilized the event to talk to the disaster caused by a tsunami wrecking the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in March.

He assured to challenge "conformist beliefs" that nuclear energy was secure.

The Fukushima plant carries on to leak radioactive material, above five months after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake prompted the tsunami which caused the destruction.

It was causing grave worries not just in Japan but throughout the world, Mr. Kan said.
"We will extremely reflect over the conservative faith that nuclear energy is secure, methodically look into the reason of the mishap and - to protect safety – apply basic procedures," he said.

About 30% of Japan's electricity was nuclear produced before the Fukushima disaster, and the country had earlier besieged increasing that figure to 53% by 2030.

Mr. Kan has assured to analyze energy policy. But Mr. Kan said: "I will cut Japan's dependence on Nuclear power, planning at producing a society that will not depend on atomic power generation."

The prime minister spoke after laying a garland of yellow flowers at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, where doves were freed as a sign of peace.

Japan has long promised never to make or have nuclear weapons but had embraced nuclear power as it restructure after World War II.

However, quoting to Fukushima, Hiroshima mayor Kazumi Matsui told those gathered: "The ongoing radiation fright has made many people live in panic and weakened people's confidence in nuclear power.

"The Japanese government must quickly analyze the energy policy... to recover people's understanding and trust," added Mr. Matsui, the son of an atomic bomb survivor.

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