Heston Blumenthal, Chef separates wife for American 'food idol'

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 4:50 AM

The cook, Heston Blumenthal, has split from his wife of 20 years and is on dating Suzanne Pirret, the US catering book writer who says her beloved things are "food and sex".

Blumenthal, 45, who is renowned for serving "molecular gastronomy" dishes such as snail porridge at his cafe, has been got married to Zanna for 20 years.

The Daily Mail said a presenter for the Blumenthals had verified their marriage was at a finish.

"Over the course of their wedding they have made a tremendously successful business, but one which has regrettably taken its charge on their relationship," the spokeswoman said.

Pirret's book The Pleasure Is All Mine: Selfish Food for Modern Life has led to her being renowned as a food "goddess" by American critics.

Ms Pirret has said: "Food and sex. Two of my beloved belongings, and the most powerful of all human constrains. Best one after the other in either order, I'm not demanding."

Blumenthal obtained his restaurant The Fat Duck, in Bray, Berkshire, in 1995 and has since extended his domain to include a high-class restaurant in the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Knightsbridge, west London. He has a £1 million contract with Channel Four and stars in promotions for a supermarket chain.

Four years before he explained his wife as the "reason for my achievement".

The couple has three young children. Blumenthal was reported to have moved out of the family home in Buckinghamshire.

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