London unrest: David Cameron says police must be added 'tough'

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 8:44 AM

David Cameron has insisted that police are more "tough" in their reaction to insurgents, in clear criticism of the Met's conducting of the very latest aggression.

The Prime Minister, who only at home back from his holiday this morning to endeavor and take control of the increasing troubles, said that police numbers on the streets will enhance from 6,000 to 16,000 this evening.

All leave for Metropolitan Police authorities has been postponed.

Mr. Cameron said there should be a “more forceful” approach from the police.

The Prime Minister also declared that Parliament will be evoked this Thursday so MPs can “stand jointly in censure of these offences.”

Giving his first remarks on the uneasiness, Mr. Cameron explained the images of the previous three nights as “terrible.” The looting and arson were “criminality, clear and simple”, he said.

He added: “Justice will be made and the people will see the outcomes for their crimes.”
And he said he desired to send a message to those accountable for the “prowling, thieving, robbing” and aggressions against police that “you will face the complete command of the law.”

Mr. Cameron has faced condemnation for not coming back from his Italian holiday sooner.

He further said: “We will do everything possible to bring back law and order to Britain’s streets and make them secure for the law abiding.”

After talking with the Commons Speaker, the Prime Minister said MPs would meet this Thursday.

Nick de Bois, the Conservative MP for Enfield, the North London town which has spectators looting and devastation, greeted the move. He said it was not clear whether Mr. Cameron would be looking for emergency powers from the Commons debate.

He added: “No less than my citizen observes will be heard after scenes in Enfield.”

But Tom Harris, a past Labour minister, said: “The only role politicians have to play is to tell the police ‘yes’ in reply to whatsoever request they make for resources.”
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