Beach volleyball winners lay barcodes on their BIKINIS

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 7:19 AM

UK's women beach volleyball champions are renting out their bikinis in a promotional deal that cheers observers to snap their behinds.

Zara Dampney, 24, and Shauna Mullin, 26, have twisted their bottoms into their bottom line by promoting a Quick Response (QR) code on their behinds.

This is a medium barcode which when snapped on a smart-phone takes the consumers to a precise website - which will be printed on the back of their bikini bottoms to make sure it catches the eye of observers.

It is element of a financing deal smacked by Dampney and Mullin, placed 26th in the world and objecting for London 2012, with the gambling firm Betfair.
It is set to be trailed at the London 2012 beach volleyball tournament at Horse Guards Parade from August 9-14.

Betfair's Andy Lulham said: "There is largest interest in beach volleyball and we desire to make sure that our publicity campaign is notice and remembered by as several sports supporters as possible.

"As much as we're attentive this is the first time QR codes have been placed in in-play sports marketing and what finest way to check its usefulness than by putting them on one of the places that is probably to obtain photographed the most."

There will be a whole of five courts - one centre court, two warm-up courts and two training courts - for the 24 teams to use during the test occasion.

Three courts - one centre court and two warm-up courts - will be put up to competition standard at the site in Games-Time locations and will all have lighting for night matches.
One warm-up court will be utilized for a beginning round match and a lucky loser match. Two training courts will also be on hand.

During 2012 the historic venue will obtain a 15,000-capacity outdoor seating arena - same in size to Wimbledon Centre Court.

Jeff Keas, principal of spot architects Populous, said its move toward is that "everybody from the athletes to the observers will have a spectacular experience".
"We are bringing a new outlook to the field of play; we are showing the city in a way that you've never seen it before."

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