Warren Jeffs Polygamists sect chief finds life time imprisonment

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 10:35 AM

Warren Jeffs, Polygamist sect leader has been punished to life time jail for sexually assaulting two underage devotees he took as brides.
The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints head was handed the highest punishment possible.
Last Thursday, the 55-year-old was found culpable of forcing two girls into "spiritual marriages" and fathering a child with one of them.
Jeffs was detained resulting in a raid on a distant west Texas ranch in 2008.
He stood gently in a Texas court on Tuesday as the jury's verdict, which only took 30 minutes, was read.
Jeffs had quoted to himself as a prophet, and the Mormon escape sect he leads considers polygamy is the corridor to Paradise.
During the investigation, prosecutors presented DNA proof to show Jeffs had fathered a child with a 15-year-old girl, and an audio recording of him sexually abusing a 12-year-old.
Jeffs, who asserted on acting as his own legal defense during the previous part of the inquiry, disagreed he had been investigated because of his religious convictions.
The sect leader rejected to talk during the punishing portion of the trial, with a defense lawyer telling the judge that Jeffs had educating his legal team not to insist for him.

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