Chinese efforts to ban Women marrying based on Money & Not for ‘LOVE’

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , , on 9:49 AM

With divorce rates elevating, and prevalent anxieties about a new culture of hectic-greediness, the Chinese government is now trying to prevent women to get married only for money.

Chinese flourishing cities, wealthy husbands are now common practice scrutinize about whether they own a house, and especially also a car, before a match can be fixed. Binding the knot without a house as part of the agreement is teasingly called a "naked marriage" and broadly considered to be a dangerous picking.

"I would select a lavish house over a boyfriend that always makes me delighted without indecision," said one 24-year-old competitor on If You Are the One, one of China's most famous TV dating shows. "And my boyfriend has to have a monthly remuneration of 200,000 yuan (£18,900)," she insisted.

In an offer to temper the growing hopes of Chinese women, China's Supreme Court has now ruled that from onward, the man who purchases the family home, or the parents who advance them the money, will get to keep it after divorce.

"Optimistically this will help teach young generation, particularly younger women, to be more independent, and to consider of getting marriage in the right way before worshipping money so much," said Hu Jiachu, a lawyer in Hunan province.

The decision should also assist ease some of the pressure on young Chinese men, many of whom worried about the disturbance of purchasing even a small residence. China's largest property fizz has driven property prices in Shanghai up to £5,000 per square metre when yearly wages average just £6,000.

"There are growing young women who want to marry rich men and boost their economic position. It has been a fact notable rise," said Wang Zhiguo, an advisor at Baihe, a Beijing-based matrimonial website.

"Most beautiful girls now attempt to deal on their beauty. It is an harmful tendency and the government is now striving to curb it," he added.

"Having said that, money has forever been a significant apprehension when it comes to marry. In the 1950s and 1960s, women persuade after the top Communist cadres because they were definite a better life. In the 1980s, when the economy launched, businessmen became sought-after.

Chinese people have always been money oriented, but today's hot product is property." According to the fresh statistics, there were 2.68 million divorces in China previous year and divorces have increased at more or less the similar pace as China's economy has boosted: by 7% a year for the past five years.

Especially, no less than a third of all weddings in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou now closed in divorce, and the rapid-growing element of society is those aged 25 to 34. About half of all divorces see a court argue over the family properties.

The enhancing fame of divorce runs opposing to traditional Chinese culture, and recently-weds used to be warned on their marriage day that their weddings had to end "until your hair turns white". Just eight years ago, couples still required written go ahead from companies or their neighborhood committee to finish a marriage.

"With 5,000 divorces a day, it is a terrible number for Chinese people. Our families are the fundamental unit of society that maintains steadiness. The government has had to alter the marriage law to keep society firm. Commonly the courts now rule, in the first occasion, that couples cannot divorce. They have to return after six months if they insist on one," said Mr Hu.

Chang Xueli, 26, a graphic designer in Beijing is one of the few Chinese women ready to risk a "naked marriage", in spite of the early doubts of her parents. "My husband is from quite a poor family, and I am from quite a prosperous family," she said. "My parents tried to set me up with somebody with a house, because they desired the best for me, but I did not have any mind-set for them.

"I utilized to consider I had to have both a man I loved and a house to get married. But then I understand sometimes you need to make an alternative," she said. "Now I guess the dream is for both a husband and a wife to have a house."
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