Prince Harry's new 'Handsome Girlfriend' has told friends: "I feel I'm in love."

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 5:56 AM
Florence Brudenell-Bruce a Model - recognize as Flee - verified to friends she was in a serious relationship with the Prince, 26.The 25-year-old beauty told a friend: "It was a trace of fun but it's getting serious. I consider I might be in love!"

Harry's girlfriend fell for him after his strike her with a rude flirt-up line - based on polo practice. The royal joker caught Flee on the hop when he inquired her: "Fancy a spot of fasten and balling with me?" Amid polo players, the term means "private practice" - striking the ball with a hammer while on your own.

Florence was left in sews up by the saucy opening gambit, but gushed in reply: "Well, I do love red heads. "She went on to smash shying Harry when she performed her party hoax of drinking a shot while doing the SPLITS.

The Sun undisclosed this week that Harry - third in line to the throne - was observing Flee, who dated F1 hero Jenson Button until 2008.

Flee and the Prince have recognize each other for above six years and he has used up friendly time with her at her £2.5 million home in stylish Notting Hill, West London.
The loveliness told an ex school friend: "It was a part of fun but it's getting serious. I think I might be in love!" One close friend said: "Flee's by now said she loves being Harry's girl and has fallen for him fast.

"She's a party girl and Harry loves her natural side. Ibiza is one of her beloved holiday points and she's always in the Blue Marlin beach bar. She's attempting to hold Harry to go." In the meantime, Harry currently verified his on-off relationship with 25-year-old Chelsy Davy is over. He said: "I'm 100 per cent single."

However his association with Flee will be examined if she follows plans to shift to LA for a film career. Harry is due back in Afghanistan as a frontline Apache pilot as early as next April.


Model Florence Brudenell-Bruce romanced another prince - while starring in a Bollywood movie. The beauty was selected as the lover of Saif Ali Khan, actual-life successor to the Indian houses of Bhopal and Pataudi, in the 2009 smash hit Love Aaj Kal.

Florence took a course in Bollywood dance ‘Bhangra’ to plan for their steamy scenes. She said: "The difficult task was looking at myself in the mirror. I'm quite friend-cooperation."
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