D.S.K. – A ‘Thunderbold’ story for French Nation

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 4:33 AM
‘This is a thunderbolt". The remarks are the last Socialist Prime Minister, Lionel Jospin.
Whatsoever the values of this new proof, whatever the character of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the French felt especially upset at the way the case was mannered in the days after his held.
It was not only his status that was flawed, but also that of the French nation in the eyes of the international community.
The "perp walk", the displaying of the blamed the news stories such as "Chez Perv" and "Frog Legs It", were broadly seemed as insulting and embarrassing.
"He was thrown to the wolves," said Lionel Jospin, in his veiled condemnation of the US system. And already the French media is debating about Dominique Strauss-Kahn's healing; even though there is clear-cut DNA test that a sexual assault did take place.
If the New York Times' report is to be thought- and we have yet to hear what the inquiry make of their own results - this hits at the very heart of the case. It questions the reliability of the key witness.
The list for socialist contenders for next year's presidential run is still open and will be for two more weeks. But it is surely ridiculous that Dominique Strauss-Kahn will enter again the race.
First, there is the calendar of the court case to thought. But just as crucial is that Mr. Strauss-Kahn's status, in the eyes of the French public, has been forever imperfected.
Away from the charges in New York, there has been too much discussed about his prior attacks and his questionable manner towards women. His arrest sparked some soul searching in France about behaviors in general towards the treatment of women in the workplace.
Campaigners against sexual harassment say they have seen a noteworthy raise in several reported abuse and harassment cases in present couple of days, from women who until now were worried of coming forward.
The investigation may ease the bail conditions, but it is still probably they will try to press a wrong allegations.
Denis Chemla, a French lawyer on the American bar, told "There isn't an investigator in the States who would take a risk on the basis of shamed witness like this." And so we must think the probability that DSK will come back to France in the next year - as a potential kingmaker.
He will be crucial in the competition - wherever his fans go, then so will the recommendation.
It may all hex bad news for the Elysee Palace. In topical weeks, President Nicolas Sarkozy has seen improving poll figures.
But there is a part of French society that grips to the idea this was a set-up. Conspiracies theories of political polluted play will get a new airing. It could eat in to the president's support.
Jean Marie Le Guen, a prominent Socialist lawmaker and supporter of Mr. Strauss-Kahn, says his friend will be an "vital" player in political life in the coming months.
"I expect he will soon be free," he said, "and able to observe the French people in the eyes once again."
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