Thai Prime Minister to be refuses being brother’s dummy

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 6:38 AM
Thailand's prime minister-to-be persisted Friday that she will make her own conclusions as the country's leader, and not act as the dummy of her deport brother, ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.
Yingluck Shinawatra said that 20 years of experience in the business world has shown she can take her own decisions, but further that she will advise with the Pheu Thai Party management team that assisted her to win and the Cabinet she will nominate.
The opposition Pheu Thai party succeeded 265 of 500 parliamentary seats in a July 3 general election, and has agreed to form a six-party ruling coalition that will win 300 seats in total. The gregarious ruling Democrats of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva succeeded 159 seats.
Yingluck is set to authorize become prime minister after she is chosen by the members of Parliament when they organize later this month. Some last-ditch legal attempts are competing her election victory.
On Friday, one of the key lawyers for the Democrat Party said he has inquired the Election Commission to act against Pheu Thai for breaking electoral and political party laws.
Wirat Kalayasiri asserts in his complaint that Thaksin and a deputy Chaturon Chaiseng were concerned in Pheu Thai's electoral matters in spite of being under a five-year ban on political activities.
The law is not obvious, but a verdict against Pheu Thai could believably conclusion in its termination, as has occured to two past pro-Thaksin parties. However, a new restriction actually would not affect either Yingluck or most of her party's lawmakers, who could continue their duties under another party name.
Wirat was selected as a Democrat representative but said he acted on his own and not for his party.
Thaksin was deported by a military revolution in 2006 after being alleged of bribery and dishonor to the country's dominion. He is commonly credited for engineering the comeback of his political machine in spite of being in deport to avoid a imprison term on a corruption allegation. His comments during the drive that his sister was his "clone" resistant doubts that he would be pulling the threads and perhaps controlling the new government to give him an amnesty.
Yingluck, in a press briefing with foreign journalists, said she couldn't avoid being Thaksin's sister, and would endeavor to benefit from his thoughts on how to help Thailand. But she said she would make decisions for the country "autonomously."
"Please provide me an opportunity and I will prove myself for all of you," she said.
Away from Friday's lawful challenge, other Thaksin foes are trying to force her out by attempting her to her brother's obscured and disputed financial dealings. In another case, she is being indicted of trying to corrupt voters because she once assisted fry some noodles during a photo session on the campaign trail, and portions were then circulated to onlookers.
Yingluck said she was easier in politics because her father and siblings have been involved, but assured to participate only after her brother's supporters came to ask her help in attempting to bring back his policies. She said she was moved by what she saw in their "eyes and faces."
Yingluck evaded many questions about her planned policies, stating she preferred to wait until her election success was officially qualified and she takes office.
Much of the traditional Thai authorities, including senior military officials, loathe Thaksin. There are alarms of another military coup if Yingluck tried to revitalize him.
She has said only that a commission will test matters of justice beginning with the takeover against Thaksin, and presumably including other political activities since then, including the hostile street protests of Thaksin's supporters and rebellions, and state action taken to restrain them.
Yingluck was hopeful that the military would not stage another overtake, citing their current promises to stay out of politics. She said the army was aware that for the past five years, "the country has been moving backward. ... and people do not want to hurt Thailand again."
She also asked the world community to "help Thailand reinstall democracy, and trust and respect the people's decision."
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