The NFL Playoffs Needs The Berney Dance

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 7:44 PM

Decent: The Berney Dance (White People Love It!) - This joint has the potential to be bigger than Soulja Boy’s “Crank That” movement, but only time will tell on that one (it may take a while).
“Movin’ Like Berney” is killing the game right now as white people around the country have been forced to finally embrace that urban swag, with a dance that they can not only do…but do better than black people.

Sure, Ryan Matthews did a wack-ass version of the worldwide dance craze occasionally-referenced internet dance two weeks ago, but fuck him cause he's part of the disaster that was my fantasy team.  I want to see some real Berney out of someone this wildcard weekend.  DeSean -- you're the obvious choice.  The Dougie is more dead than your dead motha.   Berney your dick off all over Green Bay's hopes and dreams.  Plus it'll confuse the shit outta their cheesewhale fanbase.

Footage of people Movin like Berney* after the jump.

h/t JerseyChaser

*Misspelled to protect against copyright...right?
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