Afternoon Links: Let's All Bid on This Man

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 2:08 PM

Texas high school unveils new, bright red turf - This field hurts my face. [Yahoo]

White people rapping. Poorly. - A site devoted to white people embarrassing themselves.  Great. [Tumblr]

Destinations for Kevin Kolb - Mel Kiper comes up with 5 destinations for Kevin Kolb and what each team would likely surrender for his interceptions services. [BleedingGreenNation]

Quiz time! Would you be able to stay NCAA eligible? - I'd totally scoop up all the monies thrown at me.  [MidwestSportsFans]

Eating fruit makes you more attractive than getting a tan - In other news, research money is completely wasted.  [MNN]

Phillies sign former #1 over pick - He also tore his armpit muscle throwing an octopus.  For real. [Hardballtalk]
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