No time for crack-heads

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 10:27 AM

Lindsey Lohan sentenced to prison?

I'll believe it when I see it.

The whole California Judicial System appears to be some sort of a joke.

from Celebitchy:

Linnocent is going back to jail! But it’s a mixed bag of a sentence. Part of me thinks the Cracken got off easy. Part of me thinks the judge is giving her enough rope to hang herself, so to speak. The sentence is basically as follows:  

30 days in jail, non-negotiable, as soon as Linnocent turns herself over within the next week; from there, the judge set a timetable for Linnocent to complete 12 full days at the morgue a month, plus four therapy sessions a month, and if LL doesn’t complete either each month, this “probation” is automatically revoked, a warrant goes out for LL’s arrest, and she will have to immediately start a 270-day jail sentence. So, 300 days in jail, with only 30 days in jail guaranteed. 

Lindsay Lohan returns to court, may return to jail
Associated Press -

LOS ANGELES -- Lindsay Lohan returns to court Wednesday to learn whether a judge will agree with a prosecutor advocating that the actress be returned to jail for failing to complete a community service assignment at a women's shelter.

Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner revoked Lohan's probation at a hearing nearly two weeks ago, but now must formally determine whether Lohan violated the terms of her sentence. The judge has asked prosecutors to calculate how long of a jail term the actress would have to serve if she is formally found in violation of her probation for misdemeanor drunken driving and theft cases.

Sautner, who is the fifth judge that Lohan has faced since her first arrest in 2007, has expressed exasperation with the actress and California's budget-strapped jail  system.
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