Mother drops 20 stone in just two years

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 3:43 AM

A mother of one child, who weighed approximately 30st at her heaviest, has gone down 12 dress sizes and vanished 20 stone after she was given two years to live by doctors.

Carole Wright, 54, who was not able to put on her own shoes because of her size, was told her harmful diet would kill her.

Her weight at 29st 10lb intended she was enforced to sit on a brick wall at a grill two years earlier over anxieties she could crack a plastic garden chair.

But since then, Carole, of Southport, Merseyside, has changed her life about and shed two-thirds of her body weight to tip the scales at 10st.

"The doctor advised, 'If you don't do something about your weight, you're going to be deceased in two years.' It was frightening to listen, but I didn't recognize where to go for assistance," she said.

Known to friends as "Big Carole", she had only gone her home four times in nine months and used up her evenings eating a bulky meal of chops, mashed potatoes, beans and four rounds of bread and butter before nibbling on snack foods and in-taking wine.

She thought she had to alter her eating habbits when she joined a slimming club.

"Weighing almost 30st was a massive alarm and I disintegrate into tears," she said.

"All I always did was saw television or sit on the computer. It got to the phase where I wasn't only attentive inside the house, I was trapped in my own body as well and I couldn't see a way out."

Carole, who is a little 5ft 3in, lost a stone in her first week of eating healthy home-cooked meals, and lost a stone every month for the next year.

Her better fitness destined she could even take her 15-year-old son Jonathan swimming for the first time.

Named Slimming World's woman of the year 2011, Carole now eats a balanced diet including a cooked breakfast, tuna or ham salad for lunch and homemade lamb curry or cottage pie for dinner. 

"I can act all of the small things everybody takes for granted like putting my own shoes on, imaging my toe nails and walking up stairs – indeed, I run up them now," she said.

"For the first time in my life I experience usual and it's an excellent sensation.

"The last time I weighed 10st I was 10 years old. My life is totally unlike from two years earlier.
"My only regret is that I didn't do it 35 years before, but to make up for lost time I plan to raise old shamefully."
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