Former-Russian Secret Agent ‘Chapman’ blamed for copying

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , , on 3:19 AM

Russian former-secret agent Anna Chapman has found herself at the center of a copying scandal after leading bloggers blamed her of "copy-pasting" from a book by a Kremlin spin doctor.

It was stated Tuesday that her article in the best-selling Komsomolskaya Pravda daily is an approximately word-for-word copy of a column in a book by Oleg Matveyechev.

Chapman, 29, who was extradited from the United States last year accompanied with nine other Russian sleeper agents, has been keeping a prestigious in Russia, modeling, editing a magazine, delivering lectures and taking a responsibility in the pro-Kremlin youth movement.

In her article about the 19th-century poet Alexander Pushkin who passed away in a battle with a French officer in 1837, Chapman argued that the 1917 movement and the resulting killings could have been avoided if Pushkin, who died at the age of 37, had lived to give ethical leadership.

"Just half a century afterwards, moderates and communists swamped Russia and killed the czar, leading for the revolution," she wrote. "I'm convinced that things would have been dissimilar if Pushkin had had time to write his complete works."

The wording is about a direct copy of a passage from Matveyechev's book, which is obtainable online.

Not like Matveyechev, who also serves as deputy governor of the Volgograd Region, Chapman ends short of telling Pushkin's death as a European plot to weak Russia's international status.
Chapman's office did not react to apply for seeking comment.

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