Six casualties in stabbing incident in Jersey

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 12:06 PM

Six people have been executed after an assaulting misshapen in Jersey, police have said.
Police were entitled to a flat at Victoria Crescent, Upper Midvale Road, at 15:00 BST after reports of a many knife attack incident.
A 30-year-old man is in police supervision at Jersey Hospital where he is also getting better from surgery.
The hospital's emergency department was momentarily shut down. Police are appealing for witnesses.
A spokesman of hospital has verified that the hospital has now re-opened. Several of witnesses have come forward and are presently being interviewed by police as officials make struggles to recognize the victims.
Forensic officers are at the scene, together with a numerous uniformed officers and police men.
Police are at the moment, where an area has been cordoned off.
States of Jersey Police chief of crime services Stewart Gull, who is leading the inquiry, said: "Obviously this complex inquiry is in its very earlier points as we try to set accurately what happened.
"We are appealing to everyone who may have any information to call to us.
"We are aware, too, of the shock of any such serious and disastrous incident on the confined community, and we have police officials in the area to hold up the inquiry and local people."
A largest incident room has been arranged at and police are appealing for anyone with information to contact them.
Eyewitness Andre Thorpe said he considered all the sufferers were members of the same family and it come out a child was among them.
Mr. Thorpe said: "For Jersey it was a biggest incident. Two ambulances turned up first because it was within a quarter of mile of the ambulance station.
"Then four or five police vehicles came, all blues and twos.
"They were endeavoring to evaluate a private house in the crescent. It was an old Victorian terrace, a lot of them are split into flats."
Mr. Thorpe further said that the area where the incident took place was quite isolated and not on a main road.
"I was first awake something was happening when I saw people looking out for the ambulances as I walked up the road," he said.

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