Pregnant woman troubled over an alive baby was died in a miscarriage mishap

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 9:01 AM

A pregnant woman who was recommended to have an execution after an NHS ultrasound pointed out she had undergone a miscarriage only found out her baby was still alive after calling for another scan.

Chelsea Muff, 32, spent two weeks sorrowful after a sonographer told her she had lost her child subsequent an ultrasound scan. But the mother-of-two asked a second scan two weeks in a while and her child was found to be still alive.

She has now told how she is endeavoring to handle with the facts that she could have accidently lost the baby. Now about four months pregnant, Miss Muff, mother to 14-year-old Corey and 11-year-old Destiny, said: "She said there was a vacant sac – she said it had gone. I was stunned and upset.

"After the first scan an adviser came in and verified that I had miscarried and provides me the choice to book in for an evacuation process, take a tablet there and then that would bring labour, or wait for it to come away naturally."I decided to wait. If I had taken the tablet I could have terminated my baby and never known."

Miss Muff, of Bradford, West Yorks., was seven weeks pregnant when she experienced a small bleed on June 24. She go to A&E at Bradford Royal Infirmary and was given an early appointment two days later. It was here she was given the abdominal ultrasound scan which emerged to show she had miscarried. She later revealed because the pregnancy was so early, she should have been presented an internal ultrasound.

She was booked in for vacuity suction on July 8 but never attended because she was still disturbed. She then rang to ask if they could do a second scan. It was at this scan on July 15 that she exposed she was still pregnant and heard her baby's heartbeat for the first time.

She said: "The member of staff was stunned but really content for me. She said 'you have a live baby'. I didn't consider it. I had been so disturbed and couldn't believe this could have happened. "I was really pleased at that this stage. It was only afterward, after negotiating it with my partner, who was in fact mad about what I had been put through, that I understood, could have executed my baby by taking the tablet."

Chelsea, whose baby is due in February, has suggested a formal complaint in the hope lessons can be educated and no other women have to go through the emotional confusion she suffered. "How can they tell you your baby has passed away and the subsequently tell you it is alive?" she said.

"When I set off to book in with a midwife at the doctors they even had a letter saying I had miscarried so they were stunned as well.

"It should be required to do an internal scan. I don't recognize what went incorrect in my case but hopefully by complaining I will obtain an clarification about why I wasn't offered one."

A spokesman for Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: "We understand with Miss Muff for the trouble she has undergone. The Foundation Trust is taking all essential measures to investigate the matter and has called Miss Muff directly to talk her worries."

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