Scarlet BillO

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 9:09 AM

Here's Bill O'Reilly, a man who is to history and rational, informed, civil discourse what Jack the Ripper was to women's rights, walking out of a Newt Gingrich fundraiser. The rest of the video tells you everything you need to know and provides all the context.

Mediaite is now trying to claim that, since Fox "News" denied O'Reilly being at the Gingrich fundraiser that just happened to be in the immediate vicinity, Mediaite's dropping the matter and is also happy to believe that a violence prone right wing stooge like O'Reilly was on his way to a White House dinner.

It hardly matters where O'Reilly was coming from or where he was going. If he wasn't at the fundraiser all he had to do was take the opportunity to deny it and move on. But this ignorant, elitist prick, instead, acts like Mary Poppins' evil, insane uncle and tries to jab the reporter with his umbrella before scurrying to the police and reporting a reporter for doing his job.

It was well worth seeing BillO's umbrella and combover get blown inside out as he whined to the police about being asked a question.

So the next time you see or hear about Occupy protesters getting maced, tased and the shit knocked out of them for nonviolently protesting, think about this video and BillO getting off scot free after assaulting a journalist for doing absolutely nothing but asking a single question of a public figure. Next time you hear about liberal rage from O'Reilly and other conservative peckerheads, think of this video and all the other ones of O'Reilly losing it over minor or perceived slights and, well, people speaking their own minds.
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