'Al-Qaeda cracked the jail in Yemenis city of Aden

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , , on 2:54 AM

About 12 al-Qaeda insurgents have broken out of a jail in the southern Yemeni city of Aden, authorities have said.

The militants, and two others, ran away through a six meter tunnel dug from the yard at the cities central jail.

The escapees were in the procedure of being attempted for bank theft or were charged with the killings of security officers, the Yemeni officials said.

In June, al-Qaeda fighters attacked the central jail in the southern city al-Mukalla, releasing several of prisoners.

Yemen's army has been combating heavy gun fights with al-Qaeda rebels in various areas of Yemen.

The country is undergoing turbulence and political disaster on many fronts - militancy in the north, a pro-independence movement in the south, countrywide protests calling for restructuring and free and fair elections, and gun battles between different groups in the capital Sanaa.

President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has ruled for 32 years, arranged last month to hand his powers to his deputy and left within 90 days.

The severe combating between the army and al-Qaeda is in the city of Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan province, where insurgents influential much of the city.

The UN says that alleged Al-Qaeda insurgents in southern Yemen have moved 45,000 people.

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