Tempting Fate

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 6:55 AM
Eating there is kinda like giving the finger to the Gods of Karma, isn't it?

Diner suffers cardiac arrest while eating a Triple Bypass Burger in restaurant called the Heart Attack Grill
  • Paramedics wheel man in his 40s out of restaurant's Las Vegas branch
  • He was eating a 6,000-calorie burger when he suffered a heart attack
  • Triple Bypass Burger contains three slabs of meat, 12 bacon rashes, cheese, red onion, sliced tomato and 'unique special sauce'
MailOnline -

It was always going to be unwise naming a restaurant that glorifies unhealthy food the Heart Attack Grill.

And on Saturday the inevitable happened when a customer suffered a cardiac arrest in the chain's Las Vegas branch.

An onlooker captured video of paramedics wheeling the unidentified man, thought to be in his 40s, out of the fast-food diner.

He was midway through eating a 6,000-calorie Triple Bypass Burger when he began experiencing chest pains.

The rest of the story:
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