Trayvon Martin: murder detective 'wanted to charge George Zimmerman

Published by Julia Volkovah under , on 1:09 AM
The murder detective tasked with investigating the death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin wanted to charge George Zimmerman with manslaughter but was overruled by prosecutors, it was reported last night.

Investigator Chris Serino was told not press charges against the neighbourhood watch captain by lawyers in Florida's state attorney's office, who said there was not enough evidence to secure a conviction, ABC News reported.

Mr Zimmerman, 28, was briefly taken to a police station in Sanford after the killing last month but was released on the same night after several hours of questioning.

He told detectives that he had opened fire in self defence after the 17-year-old attacked him and officers were left with no choice but to release him.

Police sources told the broadcaster that Mr Serino filed an affidavit the same night where he said he was unconvinced by Mr Zimmerman's story.

However, prosecutors said that there was not enough evidence to prove the shooter had acted outside of the state's controversial "Stand Your Ground" laws.

The state attorney's office would not comment on the claim.

The leak is the latest in a long series as both sides tried to cast doubt on the other's story and motivations. Read More
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