Tibetan Protester Sets Himself On Fire

Published by Julia Volkovah under , on 8:11 PM
A Tibetan man who set himself on fire in New Delhi to protest against this week's visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao will be lucky if he survives, according to doctors.

The 27-year-old doused himself in kerosene before torching himself at a city centre rally.

He has been identified as Janphel Yeshi by fellow protesters and was living in exile in the Indian capital.

Witnesses described how they saw the man screaming in pain as he ran down the street engulfed in orange flames leaving a trail of black smoke.

Nyimi Tashi, a 39-year-old Tibetan businessmen, described the shock of the crowd.

He told the AFP news agency: "One of the supporters threw a coat on him to try to put out the flames and then the police took him away to hospital. He was heavily burned. Read More
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