Honeybee decline blamed on lethal combination of chemicals and disease

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 1:30 AM
Honeybees face a double whammy from insecticides and disease, according to a new study that could explain the global decline in the insects.

The sudden drop in honeybees in recent years has led to widespread debate over the cause, with many blaming intensive farming methods that use more pesticides.

However this was dismissed by other studies that found disease is just as damaging.

Now a French study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, suggests that it could be a combination of both, as pesticides weaken honeybees and they then die of disease.

The decline in honeybees first hit the headlines around 10 years ago with the mysterious death of whole hives in America, known as Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD. It is now believed that the US has fewer managed pollinators than at any time in the past 50 years. Many countries in Europe have also seen a decline and honeybee numbers in the UK have halved in the past 25 years. Read More
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