Craig Thomson: Police makes further inquiry over latest charges

Published by Julia Volkovah under , on 7:05 AM

Police have verified they are making investigation into new charges against Hearts footballer Craig Thomson.
He was set on the sex criminal register prior this month after he acknowledged vulgar and libidinous deeds against young girls over the internet.
The club primarily stood by him, but he was suspended two days ago. Officers are evaluating into information they have got advising there may be witnessed of another sufferer.
A Lothian and Borders Police spokesman said: "We are carrying on investigation into the options that another person has grounds for complaint."
The 20-year-old was offender on 17 June at Edinburgh Sheriff Court for rude behavior towards two girls aged 12 and 14 on the internet.
On Friday the Scottish Premier League club said Thomson's "severe mistake of judgment" was due to "naivety and likely defective outside influence".
The full-back restarted training at the club instantly. He expressed regrets through the club website, stating he was "completely conscious that I have let everyone down".

Hearts issued two announcements on the issue on their website. The first read: "The club outlooks this matter very gravely and does not overlook the behavior of the player. Suitable action to avoid any further progress of illegal tricks has been taken.
"On adopting this choice, the club acknowledged that there are substantial justifying conditions that give major pledges that the player's conduct, no matter how offensive, was the consequence of a severe mistake of judgment due to naivety and possible wrong outside influence before anything more evil and it will not be continued."
Then, early on Friday evening, the club issued another announcement which quotes to "outside influences on players and the club".
The club's earlier supporting of Thomson was broadly condemned.
The authorize supporters' club of the Scottish Premier League outfit, charity Children's 1st and Scottish representatives were amid those calling for Hearts to take legal action against the player.
And Hearts' water sponsor postponed its agreement with the club on Monday.
The club then terminated him on Tuesday.
A Hearts spokesman said they were attentive of the newest blames but were giving no remarks.
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