Twenty Bucks, Same as in Town
Published by Julia Volkovah under on 8:58 AM
Blogwhoring. You do it, I do it, we all do it. What have you been up to, Big Boy?
Stan the Man Banos at Reciprocity Failure passes along a link to a petition that essentially says reacharound is fair play. The petition would seek to ban divorce in California, which ought to be real popular with the straight-laced God fearers who banned gay marriage with Prop 8. This is their golden opportunity to prove that if they're serious about protecting the sanctity of marriage, then sanctimoniousness begins at home.
As my longtime readers know, Digby has always been a favorite of mine for years. Yesterday, she put up a long post about the Tea Party movement that starts with an alarming bit of news that the House Admin Committee approved Michele Bachmann's request to form the House Tea Party Caucus.
Digby references heavily from other sources to make her points but perhaps she missed a very important one from June by Mark Ames, another of my favorites, when Ames essentially ripped the mask off the Tea Bagger Movement and exposed it for the fraud it's always been from the start.
Michael Whitney of Firedoglake has been toiling in obscurity in FDL's The Seminal (where any registered user can post) until he began reporting on the BP disaster in the Gulf. In fact, Mr. Whitney just came back from the Gulf coast and reported what he saw on GritTV.
Yesterday, Whitney's latest was front-paged on Jane Hamsher's site and delivered yet another eye-opener: "OSHA Sitting on BP Coverup Firm’s Worker Health Data." That alone ought to make you want to run over and read it. Yep, as Michael says, BP really is calling the shots in spite of what the Obama administration's telling us.
Who's your Daddy? Aleister Crowley the father of Barbara Bush? Say it ain't so, Woody!
Steve at No More Mister Nice Blog points to a recent generic poll result that shows when Democrats pass even the middling progressive legislation such as the financial reform bill, their approval rating spikes. Imagine how much it would skyrocket if they actually passed Grayson-class reformist legislation for a fucking change instead of being Vaseline-smeared, bouncing, squeaking love dolls of Wall Street.
Finally, some unemployed liberal moonbat at Jill Hussein's Brilliant at Breakfast bloviates about immigration and religion.