Calling a Spade a Nigger
Published by Julia Volkovah under on 2:43 PM
Since I don't have internet access after 6 PM, I haven't the time to write at great length about the Sherrod/Breitbart scandal but I do have to say this:
Every major news outlet in the country ought to be screaming a la Howard Beale from their rooftops, How the Fuck Did Andrew Breitbart Acquire Such Credibility? Especially after the James O’Keefe brouhaha and Three Stooges version of Watergate involving Sen. Mary Landrieu?
And how could the White House, mainstream media and even the NAACP, that was there in attendance during Sherrod's speech, be so easily snookered by such a transparently inept, criminally stupid and genetically dishonest and racist snake oil huckster such as Andrew Breitbart?
Meanwhile, Dan Rather's still out of a job and a laughingstock in news circles...