Does Anyone Else See Something Wrong...
Published by Julia Volkovah under on 8:32 AM
...with this particular July 4th? Particularly with this lead picture that was taken just recently in Sarasota, Florida?
If you're too distracted by hot dogs, beer and the prospect of fireworks later tonight, you can be forgiven. However, let's recap:
Starting today in 1776, the Founding Fathers began signing the Declaration of Independence because they wanted to establish some distance between us and soccer, shitty, piss warm beer, bad cuisine and, oh yeah, taxation without representation. Whatever their reasons, the Founding Fathers, led by Jefferson (who was also a fondling father, if the slave rumors are to be believed), John Adams and the guy we used to think in grammar school was a President but really wasn't, Ben Franklin.
The bottom line is, that was the document that officially began our independence from the British.
Fast forward 234 years later and what are we seeing?
BP, a British oil giant, has essentially invaded and attacked our southern shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico with the willing collusion of our post-colonial government. Our own Coast Guard, obviously at the behest of our treasonous government, had enforced a 65 foot perimeter around any recovery efforts that BP may be carrying out (the USCG, says Anderson Cooper, originally wanted a 300 ft. buffer zone).
So, those who live, raise their families and work along the increasingly polluted shoreline have had their right to live as they see fit co-opted by a British Company, our own media has had their First Amendment rights, five inalienable rights given to us by our Founding Fathers and defended by the blood of thousands of 18th century patriots, ABRIDGED WITH THE CONSENT OF OUR OWN GOVERNMENT. The Brits are killing our wildlife, destroying the ecosystem they and our own government didn't think was worth even a perfunctory environmental impact report and have essentially taken over the Gulf of Mexico as if they still own it.
During his campaign and the first year and a half of his presidency, Barack Obama has had to endure right wing idiocy accusing him of intending to sell out our national security to Muslim countries and ideologies. How ironic is it that the wingnuts were right in the regard that Obama has sold us up the oil-slicked river but not to Muslim interests or even just British interests but multinational corporate interests?
Still don't get the sense that there isn't something wrong with this particular Fourth of July? Hey, no problem. Just throw another steroid-engorged burger on the grill, distend your waistline with another beer and watch the pretty pyrotechnics. Don't be surprised, however, if the fireworks are less red, white and blue this year and a little more green.