Deadly blast in Damascus, Syrian state TV has said

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 3:33 AM

A suicide invader has exploded a bomb in Damascus, Syrian state TV says.

It said many people were killed and injured in the explosion in Midan district.

It comes two weeks after 44 people killed in explosions the authorities accused on terrorists. Opposition activists blamed the government of performing them.

The Midan district has been the scene of current demonstrations against President Bashar al-Assad's governement. Arab League inspectors are in Syria endeavoring to make sure fulfillment with a peace process.

But rebels say a Syrian government raid has gone on, with several of people murdered.

A resident of Midan - the panorama of reported government opposed demonstration in recent weeks - told Reuters news agency that ambulances were in the region.

Following the blast, Syrian TV ran images of bloodied streets, reports the BBC's Jon Donnison in Beirut, neighbouring Lebanon.

State TV said the blast had besieged "civilians and people who had felt protected ".
Most foreign correspondents have been exposed from reporting within Syria itself.


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