Enforced Hiatus

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 6:23 AM

My day couldn't be going any worse if I'd walked under a ladder and broke a hundred mirrors on Friday the 13th as a black cat crossed my path.

This morning I discovered that the wireless network I'd been using for free at home for over a year was turned into a secured network (requiring a WEP key). Then I cut my lip shaving (not the upper lip, the real one, you know, the one with all the nerves and blood vessels).

For now I'm online at the local cafe and so far all I'm seeing is Verizon asking $20 a month for a 1 Mbps connection (which is a download speed of 386 Kbps, which is, like, so pre-90's). Their "Turbo" plan costs nearly a dollar a day and the connection speed is still a glacial 7.1 megabaud per second.

We were getting 54 Mbps at home, and I'm getting that speed here.

Anything else beyond a corporation requires dialup and we don't have a home phone, not that I can justify getting $60-100 in monthly services with just one of us working. Essentially, I don't know when we'll be back online at home but the local cafe here closes at 6 PM and the restaurant next door, which also has free wifi, closes at 8. And I can't tap into either network from my house.

But, hey, the day's not a total loss; The bleeding is starting to subside. In the meantime, just keep looking through the archives for something you may have missed the first time.
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