"Netanyahu effect" sweeps Middle East in wake of speech.

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 2:19 AM

Just some of the reports coming in following Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's speech on Sunday in which he accepted the concept of a Palestinian state, albeit it a de-militarized one with no control of its borders, airspace, with settlements still there, Palestinians having to walk around on leashes with muzzles over their mouths when outside, etc...

-Iran is to allow the opposition to hold rallies, provided there are no people present. It will also re-count all the votes cast in the election, so long as only one person does the counting - and no calculators, pens or paper allowed.

-Saudi Arabia to allow women full human rights, but only so long as they stay in a small shed whilst exercising those rights.

-In Afghanistan, the Taleban is reportedly going to stop all terrorism, provided that the government surrenders "its right to govern."

-In the US, Norm Coleman is going concede the Minnesota Senate race to Al Franken, so long as Franken admits that Coleman really won.

-China to recognise the independence of Tibet, just as soon as it sees those flying pigs in the sky.
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