Twenty Bucks, Same as in Town

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 6:30 AM

Blogwhoring. You do it, I do it, we all do it. What have you been up to?

I'm not one to make to make resolutions because I'll be the first one to admit that when it comes to self-discipline, I have about as much intestinal fortitude as a warm chocolate eclair. However, as the holiday season approaches, I've resolved to take a slightly less politically partisan tone, a posture that's less arch and nasty to my conservative readers and to spend the rest of the month writing about political and social matters in a more downbeat, respectful tone of voice. After all, this is the holiday season in which all humans regardless of race, creed, religion, gender or political ideology ought to join together in the spirit of brotherhood and... oh bloody fucking hell! Not this jerkoff again! So much for that resolution.

Jill Hussein, your head server at Brilliant @ Breakfast, shows us what where our Attorney General's true priorities are at. I'd copy and paste an excerpt but I'm afraid of getting sued.

Saint Bernard was a sly devil, as Teh General said recently, and America's most manly sidelines CO proves it. Apparently, having a fat, sloppy, ill-tempered dog named after him wasn't enough. He could also catch a lactation stream in his mouth clear from the other side of a chapel. In the spirit of Catholic bipartisanship, Newt Gingrich and I both share a common amazement at this feat.

A guy like D r i f t g l a s s incessantly kicking around someone like David Brooks starts to look like a WWE wrestler curb-stomping a 98 pound crack head. But our dear, inexplicably-employed Mr. Brooks and his equally incessant jeremiad against the patchouli-oiled sons and daughters of Abbie Hoffman needs to be taken to task as often as possible and by as many of us as possible.

I dunno. Maybe it's just me but I'm getting the impression that Busted Knuckles isn't the big Rick Perry fan I'd hitherto judged him to be. After all, what's to dislike about a guy who's already threatening to banish to Siberia any civil servant who doesn't agree with his Crayola-illustrated ideology?

Digby brilliantly deconstructs as only she can the fallacious and risible argument of an American Enterprise Institute "scholar" who claims that the income disparity between the 1% and the 99% isn't because Wall Street's been loading the dice and marking the deck. Oh, no. The fault lies not in the stars of the financial world but within ourselves because our rapacity and avarice isn't as enterprising as theirs.

Greg Palast is more of a journalist than a blogger but yesterday at his place he announced that Paul Singer made him a marked man. Singer, you may remember, was George W. Bush's biggest campaign contributor from New York. This time around, he's bundling huge amounts of cash for Mitt Romney, the official sex doll of Wall Street. Singer is also perhaps the biggest vulture fund manager in the world, a man (for want of a better word) who's bankrupted entire third world nations. One of Singer's goons actually called the BBC and said, "We have a file on Palast." Small wonder when you read just the basics of what Palast found on Singer.

Finally, I usually don't have time to do more than one picture and caption at a time but Fearguth at Bildungblog does it wholesale most every day. Go give him some love.
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