Judge at center of media storm

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 5:46 AM
Like I predicted in yesterday's blog he cannot be prosecuted for this as the statue of limitations had run.

Why someone would think the Feds would get involved in this is beyond belief.

If anyone can do anything immediately it would be the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct and perhaps not even then.

Frankly, let the voters decide if they want him to get re-elected.

Oh, and also, I believe they all need to go to counseling.  He does and his daughter as well, who it seems is pissed because I guess Daddy should continue to support her 23 year old ass while she drops out of college and wants to keep the Mercedes he gave her.

Judge will not face charges in beating video
Police chief says case is too old.
By Lynn Brezosky - Express-News

A family court judge won't face charges in the 2004 beating of his then-16-year-old daughter, an incident shown in a viral YouTube video, because the five-year statute of limitations has expired, Rockport Police Chief Tim Jayroe said Thursday.

Had the incident come to light sooner, Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams probably would have been charged with causing injury to a child or other assault-related offenses, Jayroe said.

“We believe that there was a criminal offense involved and that there was substantial evidence to indicate that, and under normal circumstances ... a charge could have been made,” Jayroe said.
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