UK’s national killed and wife abducted on Kenyan beach

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 7:39 AM

A British traveller was killed and his wife abducted when attackers broke into a lavishness Kenyan beach resort, the Foreign Office has said.

The mishap occurred overnight about 30 miles north of the island resort of Lamu, near to lawless Somalia.

The reports illustrate, the assaulters broke into their accommodation at the Kiwayu Safari Village resort, which consists of 18 comfortable lodges widened along a private beach.

A Foreign Office spokesperson said: "We can verify that two UK nationals were attacked overnight at a beach resort north of Lamu, near the Kenya-Somalia border. One was murdered and another abducted."

Guidance published on the Foreign Office website directed visitors against going within 30 miles of the Kenya-Somalia border.

It stated: "There have been earlier attacks by Somali armed forces into Kenya. Three help workers were abducted in July 2009, and two Western clerics in November 2008."

In 2008, British missionary Brian Thorp, 77, was killed during a raid on the island of Lamu.

Formerly from Derbyshire, he had served widely across Africa as a Mill Hill missionary and may have been beleaguered as he had cash on him due to be paid to laborers modernizing a church.

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