'Crazy English' Chinese icon Li Yang owns up to familial hostility

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , , on 3:49 AM

Li Yang, one of China's most glitzy superstars has acknowledged to beating his American wife, in a case that has shone an exceptional limelight on the country's prevalent problems with domestic violence.

Mr Li, 42, who has assisted in excess of 20 million Chinese learn English with his books, tapes and stadium tours, said he "sincerely" apologized to his American wife and three daughters for "committing familial brutality". He added: "This has basis them grave physical and mental destruction".

Mr. Li's statement came more than a week after his wife, Kim Lee, placed pictures of her bloodied and beaten face on the internet, breaching her husband to a salvo of condemnation.

"You banged me to the floor. You sat on my back. You suffocated my neck with both hands and slammed my head into the floor," she wrote. She reiterated that Mr. Li had only stopped up after one of their three daughters got involved.

Later on, she said Mr. Li had made an intended appearance on Chinese TV as she was being taken care in the hospital. "Watching that you were having make-up applied for a TV look while I was in hospital injuries more than you crashing my head on the floor," she wrote on Sina Weibo, a Chinese description of the Twitter website.

According to a countrywide survey by the All China Women's Federation in 2009, one-third of Chinese homes have seen occurrences of familial torture, with 85% of them directly against the women.

The survey revealed the abuse was intense in the country's countryside parts, where several women said they anticipated to be targeted by their husbands and only 5% illustrated their weddings as unhappy as a consequence.

Mr. Li met his wife, a tall brunette from Florida, in June 1999 in the northern city of Jilin and the two wedded in 2003 in Las Vegas.

Mr. Li originated Li Yang Crazy English in 1994, after ruling that shouting out English sentences assisted him defeat his shyness in class. His evangelical talking style has watched him fill up stadiums with huge numbers of fans, all blaring out on prompt. One of his numerous patriotic slogans advocates: "Conquer English to Make China Stronger!" 

Though, the craze for Crazy English has declined in present years and the newly argument is probably to have a destroying effect on his business. "Who would go to one of his schools or purchase one of his books again?" inquired one critic on his blog. Others identified for an embargo. "How could you do such a thing? I was encouraged to study English when you came to our school and I have been following you for years. Is this a case of saying one thing and doing another?" said another statement.

In the stir of the scandal, the Chinese government published a short notice in the state media stating that it would build up an anti-familial abuse law, a piece of legislation that many women's rights groups have spent years protesting for. 

In the mean time, Mrs Lee shows to be intending for understanding. "LY faced police allegations, acknowledged the reality, accepted responsibility and asked for pardon. With bravery, love and faith in God, we will restructure the rest. My family wants to cure. Eternal appreciation for all fans, understanding and love," she wrote, on her website. 

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