Twenty Bucks, Same as in Town: September 11th edition
Published by Julia Volkovah under on 8:26 AM
Blogwhoring. You do it, I do it, we all do it. What have you been up to, Big Boy?
Much has changed since 9/11. Yet the more things change, the more they stay the same, as The Rude Pundit reminds us from Ground Zero. And just when you think that humanity can't sink lower in the sewer, you find out that less than a decade after 9/11, the most horrific attack on American soil has been tamed into a mere marketing gimmick.
Walt at BlondeSense is asking post-9/11 America, "Where are you going?" Good question. We hired a guy to lead us to the Promised Land and instead he's taken us deeper into Afghanistan and into the poor house.
Some lib whackjob is asking very much the same questions over at Brilliant at Breakfast. Brave New World? Please remind me again when and where the "bravery" comes in?
Earthbound Misfit also has his retrospective and summation of what kind of nation we've become. The bottom line, when one waves away the smoke and breaks the mirrors, is neither Afghanistan nor Iraq ever had, have now nor ever will have any relevance to September 11th.
It's not a blog but a newspaper. Yet the Kansas City Star is reporting that Shirley Phelps, daughter of noted homophobe and war veteran funeral protester Fred Phelps, has claimed to have burned Korans in 2008, long before Terry Jones planned to do it today. The publicity that Jones got and which eluded the psychopaths at Westboro Baptist Church is what has her up in arms. Oh brother.
Finally, this has nothing to do with 9/11 but this post from the ladies at Newshounds ("We incur irreversible brain damage watching Fox so you don't have to") is worth noting because of the stratospheric level of its lunacy. Because, according to a Tea Party doctor, Barack Obama didn't legitimately win the presidency. No, no, he was voted in office through some mass hypnosis like something out of Halloween 3.