Osmosis Jones Backs Down
Published by Julia Volkovah under on 3:35 PM
Fucking unbelievable.
The last thing we need is self-appointed white blood cells to go attacking entities they view as harmful. I'm referring to this decade's answer to Osmosis Jones, or the Rev. Terry Jones, the asshat who planned to burn Qurans on September 11th. Jones changed his mind after intense pressure came to bear on him both domestically and internationally.
What makes his surrender especially stomach-churning is his insistence on portraying it as a victory and claiming that he'd backed down only after a satisfactory compromise had been reached with the Powers That Be.
We'd be able to laugh this off were it not for the fact that Imam Muhammad Musri of Florida was standing next to him as if he and Jones were friendly colleagues. Furthermore, Musri fell in line with Harry Reid and every right wing rectum who ever opposed the Cordoba Center by agreeing that the cultural center shouldn't even be within two blocks of Ground Zero, by saying, "I told the pastor that I personally believe the mosque should not be there, and I will do everything in my power to make sure it is moved."
He did contradict Jones' lie, however, and said that no deal had been reached with the Cordoba Center Initiative by adding, "But there is not any offer from there (New York) that it will be moved. All we have agreed to is a meeting, and I think we would all like to see a peaceful resolution."
The "news" also came as a surprise to Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the real driving force behind the center.
The radical right wing lost again and they're trying to portray it as, well, "mission accomplished." And a representative of the very same people who've been demonized by Jones was standing next to him in solidarity. Gag me with a falafel stick and call me Bill O'Reilly's squeeze.
Note, also, that as with Musri, the AP, as usual, got the story wrong and kept insisting the Cordoba Cultural Center was a "mosque".