The Top 10 Worst Album Covers... EVAH
Published by Julia Volkovah under on 9:30 AM
Ah, the early 60's. Young people sitting around the turntable and encouraging the local "special needs" guy to make an even bigger spectacle of himself. And we wonder how and why disco came into being a decade later.

It's not the unfortunate name "Crusaders" for a Christian music group that bothers me. It's the fact that Hurley from Lost was in it.

Yep, I hear ya, Millie. It sucks when your foot falls asleep and tingles like crazy afterward after sitting on the toilet for too long. But what does that have to do with music?

No pun intended but Johnny's promising career was cut short when he pulled that stunt with a swamp gator.

If this is your idea of a really bad Christmas, you can keep Hanukkha and Kwanzaa.

Few remember Rob Reiner's brief flirtation with C&W prior to All in the Family.

And people wonder why the South has yet to rise again.
Even the greats of the music biz aren't immune to bad taste, as these examples show:
And one of them is that you never know when you'll come back from the bowling alley and find your 16 year-old daughter canoodling with Gen. David Petraeus.
I honestly don't know what legend Neil Young was thinking here but I suspect it somehow involved Timothy Leary and Wavy Gravy.

OK, the fetishistic emphasis on explosive devices is pretty typical for Nugent or any other inbred redneck psychopath. But the chick on the serving platter is a little beyond the pale even for ole Ted.