You Are Entering the No Bullshit Zone

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 6:25 AM

@TheLiberalLady: Another gr8 day 2 be a liberal!! We need 2 work every day to move our programs forward -- recapture the hope from 2008 -- support our prez!!

@jurassicpork59 @TheLiberalLady And just who do you think robbed us of that hope these past 4 years? I'll give you a hint: His initials are POTUS.

OK, I'd given up trying to make sense to Republicans and conservatives since about 2006. Thomas Paine, reason, medicine, dead people and all that. I've long since come to the conclusion that 100% of the core "convictions" of conservatives springs from the validation their pathological phobias, prejudices and bigotries get from uberdouches such as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck. They're as unreachable as those zombie dogs in I Am Legend, running down, slavering and snapping at anything that doesn't resemble them.

My beef comes from pie-eyed limousine liberals and other so-called progressives who contribute to the even bigger problem. I will never forgive Bill Maher for pledging $1,000,000 to Obama's reelection campaign through a Super PAC, not because he pledged it to Obama but for making worse a problem he's decried on several occasions. And I fault so-called liberals for not calling him on it. After all, what's the difference between Bill Maher and Sheldon Adelson? Fiduciary fidelity.

It's a foregone conclusion at least to me that we are living the prequel of Idiocracy, a movie that obviously got its cues from what the screenwriter saw happening today. We crash our cars into each other while texting, have turned the idiots of Jackass into cultural icons and commit to memory the lyrics of every rap song without even knowing the five rights (conditionally) given to us in the First Amendment or virtually any Amendment or the full text of the pre-1956 Pledge of Allegiance. Half of us don't know the difference between an Apache server and an Apache Indian but we all know how to tweet what we had for brunch, blog about our spoiled, obese dogs and update the minutia of our artificially full lives for an uncaring world on fucking Facebook.

For years after I gave up on trying to make sense to conservatives, I still had this arrogant and misguided belief in the superiority of the liberal intellect. True, we tend to be better educated and those of us in the know know that two comedians named Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are still the most honest voices in TV journalism today. But "liberal" reactions (as opposed to actual responses) to any criticism of Barack Obama, who more often than not turn out to be African Americans, have soured me on most of the movement. The more I listen to these ignoramuses tweet, update and blog, the more I understand the need for an actual third political party.

The more I listen to them, the more I realize that little if anything distinguishes them from us. And when I hear these black people in particular begging us to support Obama in his re-election campaign, one cannot escape the sense that they're really looking no further than skin color and they're just contorting their intellects in trying to fool themselves and rest of us that it's really about much more than that. We finally got a black man in the Oval Office and wouldn't it be just mortifying if he got voted out after just one term? They tell me to look at the first two years of his administration and point to middling compromises with Republicans as some sort of proof of a wildly successful liberal/progressive agenda.

A lot of this was coming at me just hours after Obama signed Congress' Anti Occupy law that treats as federal felonies anyone caught protesting anywhere near someone who has Secret Service protection whether or not you're even aware of their proximity. And when I remind them that Obama had long since made somewhat legal assassinating US citizens without due process (recently reaffirmed by his Attorney General), I'll hear at most coughs and harrumphs. And it's screamingly obvious that if Bush had tried pulling any of this unitary executive bullshit, we'd be screaming so loud we'd be shaking the pigeon shit off the rafters.

Conservatives only add to the idiot quotient of this nation, not provide all of it. True, wingnuts insist on painting this right wing cunt Obama as a Commie liberal despite his endless pimpslaps to the American people beginning with liberals and unions. You know, two factions that got him elected. It doesn't matter what he does to appease them and piss off the people who voted him in, they would sooner lynch him from the WH Xmas tree than watch him light it every December. He could sign a bill mandating our first born daughters give head to Reagan's rotting corpse every time we tweet something nasty about Republicans. They will hate the black guy and paint him redder than Karl Marx's asshole.

And yet people wonder why I hate this fucking DINO so much and am doing everything I can to keep him from getting re-elected. "But, but... if a Republican gets in... Think of the alternative (snivel)." People, Obama is the fucking alternative, the guy your liberal, aging hippie aunt warns you about at bedtime. Wake the fuck up and smell the Koolaid instead of drinking it, you fucking iPadded, iPodded, styling gelled zombies.

You're now leaving the No Bullshit Zone. Good luck and may God have mercy on your sold-out souls.
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