Fuck Facebook: MySpace and Google+ Await

Published by Julia Volkovah under on 12:21 PM

I've fucking had it up to here with Facebook. And so have countless tens of thousands, at least.

Since Zuckerberg's IPO took Facebook public, a lot of funky shit's been going down. I've managed to keep my rising rage at FB off these pages because I didn't think anyone would care to hear how I'd been falsely reported as trying to "friend" people I didn't know (essentially, FB's way of telling me I was being punished for online stalking) and then suspended from "friending activities for seven days. Beyond that, my other problem was that the meter never started ticking and for five or six days in a row my suspension was still stuck at seven days.

Ergo, I voluntarily deleted my old Facebook account, rebuilt about 90% of my old friend list in no time then I started seeing some other strange shit. For a more comprehensive account of what I'm talking about, go look at my provisional manifesto against everything about FB that pisses me off the most at my new anti-Facebook wall.

But I'll give you a sample: Facebook now empowers celebrities to block all comments pending the surrender of a credit card number. Yeah, you heard that right: You have to give Facebook your credit card information or phone # and just trust these faceless, nameless, soulless entities don't put unauthorized charges on your debit or credit card. Essentially, you may have to buy back your First Amendment rights from a company that's already worth, thanks to their Goldman Sachs-bloated IPO, tens of billions of dollars.

So if you already have a Facebook account, go follow the link then encourage others to go back to MySpace or join Google+ as I did just yesterday. There's no suspension policy and no right wing social engineering masquerading as civic responsibility and customer service. MySpace got Obama elected President of the United States. It can be great again if we but go back and teach Mark Suckerberg the lesson that we've just showed Rush Limbaugh: Don't piss off the 99%.

If you don't have a Facebook page, well, it would defeat the purpose if I encouraged you to create one.
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