Florida killing exposed race angst

Published by Julia Volkovah under , , on 5:02 AM

Sanford, Florida (CNN) -- That George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain, shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin is not in dispute. Everything else is -- from the circumstances, to the motivation -- sparking a national debate about race, and coast-to-coast demands for justice.

On Tuesday, Martin's parents will attend a forum on racial profiling, hate crime issues and "stand your ground" deadly force laws organized by Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee.

Ahead of the forum, protesters plan to march to the White House demanding a federal investigation. A CNN/ORC International poll has found that nearly three-fourths of Americans -- including 67% of whites and 86% of nonwhites -- believe Zimmerman should be arrested.

From the halls of Capitol Hill to the streets of America's cities, the case has generated widespread outrage, which was on display Monday in more than dozen cities, from Atlanta to San Francisco.

Many demonstrators wore hooded sweatshirts and carried Skittles candy -- just as Martin had, on the night he was killed. Read More
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